MVOMS COVID-19 Safety Regulations
We at MVOMS embrace the current guidelines set by the CDC and FDA on proper personal protective equipment, sanitization, and social distancing in the workplace.
Our team ensures the safety of patients and fellow team members by staying home and self-quarantining if experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19, screening patients, drivers and other guests at all entry points for common symptoms of COVID-19[1], limiting patient contact with potentially contaminated surfaces such as doorknobs, allowing only patients to visit the operating rooms[2], keeping 6 feet apart, wearing masks at all times, safely disposing of soiled gear, sanitizing used pens, and frequent wipe-downs of high traffic areas.
MVOMS recommends all team members to receive COVID-19 vaccination to protect ourselves, patients, fellow team members, and others in our healthcare facility. We understand a COVID-19 vaccination helps prevent spreading the disease to friends, family, patients, fellow team members and others as well as protecting us from getting COVID-19, or from serious illness if we do get infected.
We require our team members to wash their hands after any possible contamination using the proper hand washing techniques, soap, and for the duration of at least 20 seconds.
Our patients are required to wear a mask covering both the nose and the mouth, and are also required by our team to practice social distancing upon entering the lobby. Patients are screened at the entrance to the office with a temperature check and questions regarding COVID-19 exposure. Patients are checked in quickly and treated as soon as possible to ensure little to no contact with other patients or contaminated surfaces.
In consultations, patients will only take off their masks if or when a doctor asks them to. In surgeries, patients will wear masks until they are seated in the operating chair, and will put them on again once seated in recovery.
Our systems at MVOMS are designed to provide the lowest possible risk to patients while providing them with the highest level of oral surgery care.
Our lobby is set up with clear plastic shielding in the reception area to protect both patients and our reception team. Optimal distanced seating is provided for all patients and team members.
For consultations, patients are asked to fill out our COVID-19 questionnaire and submit it online. Consultations will take about an hour, and patients may be asked to fill out our questionnaire again depending on the length of time between their consultation and the time of the surgery.
For surgeries, a driver will be allowed to enter the office with a mask while the patient is being checked in, but will be asked to wait in their car until they receive a call from recovery stating that the patient has finished surgery. The masked driver can then visit the patient in recovery until the patient is ready to be taken home.
Our front office team will be equipped with masks at all times. Our back office team is required to wear N95 masks, surgical masks, rubber or latex gloves, gowns, hairnets, face shields, and shoe covers during surgery.
The End of the Day
Every day, our team will do one last wipe-down of high traffic areas, and finally spray a type of hypochlorous acid in the surgery rooms, the recovery area, the consultation rooms, and the lobby. This spray lingers in the air and disinfects the office overnight.
We at MVOMS are confident that we are doing everything in our power to maintain safety regulations that will keep both patients and team members safe from COVID-19. We wish our patients the best of health in these uncertain times. Please contact us at [email protected] if there are any further questions.
Thank you,
- The MVOMS Team
[1] If symptoms of COVID-19 are found, the patient will have to reschedule their appointment after two weeks of self-quarantine. If you have been tested for COVID-19, make sure to bring some type of evidence (email, voicemail, doctor’s note, etc.)
[2] Minors are allowed to have one adult with them in consultation rooms, and after a surgery the driver of a patient is allowed to visit them in the recovery area.